Katarzyna Furgalińska

Architekt IARP, wiceprezes zarządu Stowarzyszenia Architektów Polskich Oddział Katowice. Studiowała na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Śląskiej, który ukończyła z nagrodą Dyplom Roku 2007 oraz w The Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Doświadczenie zdobywała w biurach KWK Promes i Ghilardi+Hellsten Arkitekter. Jest laureatką wielu nagród w kraju i za granicą. W zespole z Michałem Lisińskim wygrała m.in. Europan 10 oraz konkurs na projekt zagospodarowania placu Toftegaards w Kopenhadze.
Od 2014 wraz z Łukaszem Smolarczykiem tworzy pracownię SUPERGUT STUDIO.

Architect, member of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland, Vice President of the Board of the Association of Polish Architects, Katowice. She studied at the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, from which she graduated with the diploma of the year 2007, and at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. She gained experience in KWK Promes and Ghilardi+Hellsten Arkitekter offices. She is the winner of numerous awards in Poland and abroad. In the team with Michał Lisiński she won, among others, Europan 10 and a competition for the development of Toftegaards Square in Copenhagen.
Since 2014, together with Łukasz Smolarczyk, she has been part of SUPERGUT STUDIO.

Fot. Dawid Majewski